Antenatal & Postnatal Combined Package

Our AN & PN Package allows you to have complete continuity of care by seeing the same two midwives throughout your pregnancy and for four weeks after the birth with telephone support beyond that. All the research shows that continuity of care improves your chances of a good birth. It will give you the reassurance needed to inspire confidence in your new role as a parent. Our care will also ensure that your physical recovery will be smoother allowing you to more readily enjoy the early weeks with your baby.

If you book with us early in your pregnancy our full package is the best value for money involving about twenty visits with us depending on when your baby is born.

Our schedule of approx. 20 appointments means that you will be seen regularly from the beginning with visits increasing towards your due date. We see you in your home and our hour-long antenatal visits can be in place of routine midwife hospital appointments helping you avoid conflicting advice and waiting times there. You will still be entitled to everything the NHS offers and when you have your scans and blood tests we can help you make sense of them. If we detect problems we will ensure that you are referred for the services you need.

We know that pregnant women are all different and so we offer care for clients planning home birth and wanting to avoid hospital as much as possible but also for clients who very much want or need to have their baby in hospital but want to have support and an advocate during the process. We help you plan your birth by giving you the research-based information to help you make the best choices for you and your baby.

Our postnatal care begins from when your baby is born. If your baby is born at home we will visit you again within 12 to 24 hours and if your birth is in hospital we usually visit you on the day you come home but can visit you in hospital if your stay is prolonged for any reason. We see you every day for the first few days and then arrange the visits as you need them over the next three weeks.

We are on call for you in between appointments. We want to give you complete peace of mind. Having a baby is something you will only do a few times in your life and your maternity care should be as special as your baby.

If you wish, you can purchase the Labour Care option in conjunction with this package to provide you with support either at home or in a non-clinical context in Hospital.

We are fully insured for all labour care at home and non-clinical care in hospitals.

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