Labour Care

You need to purchase a combined Antenatal and Postnatal package if you would also like to have labour care.

This includes care for a home birth or hospital birth and home early labour assessments if clinically appropriate.

If you prefer or need a hospital birth for clinical reasons but are still suitable for home assessments in early labour we can provide these if you decide to add Labour to your package. One of your midwives can travel with you to hospital when the time is right to go in. We then provide non-clinical care and advocacy in any hospital of your choosing

One of your midwives will help you determine the right time to go in, this is to avoid going in too early in labour which means you could get sent home again which can be demoralising. It could also leave you open to unwanted interventions. Once in the hospital we provide the support for you and your birth partner, at what may be a stressful time for them. Emotional support, but also assistance in getting you comfortable and hydrated. Although we are not insured to provide you with clinical care such as taking your baby’s heartbeat we still very much are working in our role as a midwife. We will understand the care planned for you and can help explain the detail, answer any questions and help you find alternatives if you disagree. We will help you decide on a care plan that still keeps you and your baby safe. Our very presence means you are more likely to receive the best care and communication that the NHS can offer. We want you to feel respected and listened to. Our role is to keep your birth environment peaceful and you encouraged and motivated. It is good for you to have a familiar face and care from someone you have come to trust.

We provide:

On call services around the clock for when labour starts

Early labour home assessments when clinically appropriate

Home birth care: two midwives will be present for the birth to help and support you, offering the option of water birth if appropriate.

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